Application Form

200-hour Foundation Teacher Training





An exploration of the Ashtanga Vinyasa System as a platform to become an insightful Yoga Teacher

Certified by TYP & Yoga Alliance

Location: Colet House and Tara Yoga Centre, London UK; and Online via Zoom
Dates: 12th April to 1st June (Wednesday nights online 6.30-9.30pm, Saturday & Sunday in person 9.30am-6.30pm)
Times: 09:30-18:30pm
Faculty: Jamie Clarke, Dulce Mandala & Marina de Lima 

Book Virtual Open Day - Tuesday, 22nd October at 8pm UK time
£450 deposit
£3400 EB price valid until 12th March
£3,800 Full Price
Payment plans available
Remaining balance due by 29th March

What’s Included: Course price includes course materials. Upon completion of hours, students will receive a 200-hour YA & TYP Certificate on Techniques, Practice, Teaching Methodology, Anatomy & Physiology, as well as Philosophy, Lifestyle, and Ethics in the discipline of Ashtanga Vinyasa.
Book Foundation Training

A 200-Hour journey of personal and professional transformation as you become a confident & skilled Yoga Teacher.

Course Intention

~ To train the best Vinyasa Yoga teachers in the world.

~ To not only train teachers with precise methodology & technique as part of their asana practice, but also with in-depth inquiry & understanding of Yoga's Philosophy & Psychology.

~ To develop students in maturity, personal development,
and inner-work expansion as part of the Tantric Chakra model of Transpersonal Psychology.

~ To develop impeccably trained Vinyasa Yoga teachers who can teach immediately with high levels of skill & mastery.

~ To integrate students into the TYP community of teachers in London and Worldwide, so as to provide guidance, resources, connection, and mentorship for their teaching journey ahead.

What you get

Ashtanga Vinyasa
Teach from Day 1
Functional Anatomy
Yoga Philosophy & Psychology
Personal & Professional Transformation

A typical day

9:00 Meditation & Practice
11:00 Essentials of the Practice (Sequence & Theory)
12:00 Philosophy (Patanjali) & Practice Lineage
13:00 Break
14:00 Practicum ~ Asana & Anatomy Clinic
15:00 Partner-work Essentials of Teaching Functionally
16:00 Theory ~ Philosophy/Psychology of the Chakras
17:00 Practicum 2nd Meditation & Practice
& (Questions & Sharing Circle)
18:30 End of Day

This training is for You

Students wanting to become insightful,
confident teachers
Individuals ready for transformation
Yogis wanting to deepen their
knowledge of the practice
Practitioners ready to uncover
new parts of themselves
Seekers looking to build long-lasting
connections and community 
Anyone looking to flourish as a Yoga Teacher

Your Teachers


Jamie Clarke

Jamie Clarke has been teaching Yoga since 2001. He is inspired by Yoga as a means of trauma resolution, psycho-emotional transformation, and actual spiritual growth. He is an E-RYT 200/ 500 teacher and a co-founder of The Yoga People.

His teaching approach recognizes uniqueness, using a customized ‘functional’ approach to separate out the conditioned, integrate the authentic, and develop the fullest expression of oneself.

Dulce Mandala

Dulce has been following a path of yoga, self-inquiry and shamanic tradition for almost 20 years. Her path includes Shamanic Practices and influences from Rocket, Mandala, Tripsichore & Yin Yoga. 

Her intention is to live in harmony leading to a freer experience with herself and others. Her approach encourages self-responsibility and the ability to connect with your heart. Dulce created the Mandala Vinyasa Method based on the 4 Elements.  

Marina de Lima

Marina de Lima is a certified E-RYT 500 and has been teaching yoga for the last decade.

Her classes are rooted in intelligent sequencing; combining breath, and movement, to cultivate space for self-reflection, and transformation.

Marina’s intention is to inspire her students to have the courage and trust to follow their hearts on their journey toward truth and liberation.

Book Foundation Training

Tell me more

Meet your teachers!
Have a free chat with a TYP adviser and get your questions answered.

All TYP courses are rooted in the eastern traditions of Yoga, (Patanjali, Hatha, Vedanta & Tantra) as well as having significant influences of Shamanism and western Transpersonal Psychology. This means that a student’s lineage, background, childhood and early life parenting and conditioning can be investigated, as part of course practices and exercises.
All students should consider their physical, emotional and mental condition, before embarking on any course, and should consult a licensed physician if necessary as to their current or previous conditions which could affect their ability to complete any course of study.

Please fill any pre-course application/ information out carefully and accurately, to ensure safety and appropriateness of any live or online training experience.